Being a Good Parent

I am learning each day how my children are all so different. I have set different boundaries for each as they have for me. Since I was a very hands on Mom I’ve become a very Hands On Grandmother. It’s just fine with my daughters but not so much with my son. It brings to

I learned to say No

Do I go cold turkey—to borrow a recovery phrase—or cut them off in baby steps? Do I continue to pay for things that support a drug-free lifestyle, like substance abuse counseling, sober living houses, rehab costs or sever all financial ties? What if they can’t afford to eat? What if they’re in withdrawal and ask

2 Faces 2 Lives

I have found that I live with 2 faces, 2 distinct lives. There is the life as a mother of an addict and the life where I pretend everything is perfect. Until recently most people never saw the mother of an addict they only saw the mother of 3 with the great husband living a

It’s working!

I think that my son really has gotten it! Sticking to boundaries are easy though when they are working. It’s when they aren’t working that I feel the stress. But I am so very glad that I stuck to them about watching the kids at the last minute and every weekend. Once he took the

Boundaries Can Work

I really think it’s finally sinking in! Yes, boundaries do work if you don’t give up. I have been trying for so long to get my son to stop badgering me when I say I can’t do something for him. Recently it’s been watching his kids. Every day it’s another request and another outburst when

Recovery Doesn’t Equal Peace

I am finding that although my son is in recovery, many of his personality traits still reflect his drug use. He is very selfish, he only wants from others and isn’t giving. Everything he does has a motive behind it. He still tries to make others feel guilty and always has a million excuses. So

Patience in Recovery

Sometimes I believe we need to have a little patience. Waiting for things to happen is difficult. We want to jump right to the final version without doing all the work required to get there. In other words we expect instant gratification. The same concept applies to recovery, both for the addict and their family.

Is Prison Healing?

Hebrews 13:3 New International Version (NIV) 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. As together with them – Feel for them as you would wish others to feel for you were you in their circumstances, knowing

Repost – 7 Tips For Mothers of Addicts

I am always looking for articles to give me guidance during times of stress and I came across this one to share with you. I hope you can gain something from this article by Suzanne Degges-White, PHD Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D. Lifetime Connections 7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts Parenting adult children who abuse substances,

Family Love, Family First

Holidays can be both fun and stressful. Which was yours? I hope you were able to find a little bit of peace and relaxation for yourself. I was blessed to have all 3 of my children home and to share the day with friends and family. It was wonderful to see the little ones playing

Understanding Methadone

Repost – Article from Ashwood Recovery Methadone Treatment: The Good, Bad and The Ugly Home/Methadone Treatment: The Good, Bad and The Ugly He’s halfway sick and halfway stoned. He’d sure like to kick, but he’s too far gone. So they wind him down with methadone. ~ James Taylor, “A Junkie’s Lament” Methadone treatment for heroin

Listening is Good Medicine

Sometimes you just need to get the opinion of someone removed from the situation to assure yourself that what you are doing is the right thing to do. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, crazy or nuts, it just means you need a little support. When you are constantly giving to everyone else it is important


Frustration! Is there a reason to lie about everything? I honestly felt that things would improve when my son was in recovery. I guess it’s hard to break habits that have become so much a part of him. So when will it finally click? When he is caught is a lie he twist things around

Repost – What you learn from loving an addict What You Learn From Loving An Addict By Alicia Cook Cook, seen here in Point Pleasant, NJSeptember is National Recovery Month.* I am not an addict. But try and love one, and then see if you can look me square in the eyes and tell me that you didn’t get addicted to trying to