Living in the moment with Gratitude

I’m always trying to see the future and how little changes can snowball into greater things. I would like to concentrate more on today and less on tomorrow, Living in the moment with Gratitude. If things are good right now I need to live in this moment of time instead of worrying about tomorrow. That


Confidence. Coming to terms with many things feels like I’ve lifted a huge weight off of me. I am slowly coming to the realization that the only person I have control of is myself. This realization brings with it both a sadness and a great peace. Sadness that I really cannot help someone who doesn’t

Families and Holidays

It isn’t my job to keep the peace of those who have caused chaos in my life. When the holidays come so does added stress for everyone. It’s not easy when you child is not included in family plans. It hurts. Not just him but me too. On one level I can understand but because

Narcan Training / Narcan can Save Lives

This past week my husband and I went to a county sponsored Narcan training and information meeting. It was a great information gathering event. There was many different rehab centers, Parent support groups, recover resources and educational opportunities. It was great to be able to talk to well informed professionals and gather information. There was

Circumstances create blockades, Boundaries for mental health

Wow, it’s been so long since I have posted. Sometimes life just gets in the way of the best intentions. Having 8 grandchildren keeps us pretty busy. Grandchildren are such a blessing. Spending time with them can sometimes be a challenge due to who their parents are. That really sounds terrible but it doesn’t mean

A Mother’s Pride of a Child in Recovery

I am so excited and so proud of my son. He has come so far in his recovery. I am completely aware that this could turn around in an instant but right now I am reveling in the joy of his success. At this time last year, as we were beginning the lock down of

Jail Visits

Just finished visiting my son. Surprised him since I usually visit on Sundays but was sick this Sunday. He was very happy to see me since he hasn’t been able to call anyone because he’s out of money. We talked about how he really missed his kids and it upset him when he saw them

Holidays with Someone in Recovery

Christmas, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are fast approaching. Holidays can be especially difficult for someone in recovery. The holidays are times of parties and parties a lot of the time involve drinking. Not just the parties but the family dinners, gift giving etc. All these things can cause a tremendous amount of stress. Stress is a

Please Don’t Judge Me

I feel as though I’m very lucky right now. It didn’t always feel this way. Those close to me just didn’t understand addiction, well really neither did I. But I was thrust into learning and learning quickly all I could about the subject. I read whatever I could find and learned so much. I felt

Cherish The Moments, Save The Memories

No matter what the reason when there is an important event I want and wish for my son to be there. Sometimes it really isn’t possible such as our daughters wedding in New Orleans. Having him there would have made me burst with love and happiness. Don’t get me wrong though, I was very happy


This has been a very difficult summer. I’m wishing for a calmer, peaceful Autumn. Before that arrives I think I am coming close to letting all the build up of emotions out. On my way to the doctors at lunch today I starting feeling tears falling and had to take some deep breathes to stop

My Self Care

Important things I do besides worry and obsess about my son is to do a few things for myself. I guess it’s easier since he doesn’t live in our house. I do get time alone, time as a couple with my husband and the ability to go out with friends. One fun thing I do

Medical Marijuana Study Yields Shocking Results

Today I read an interesting article about a study performed by Stanford University School of Medicine concerning the affects of states that have passed medical marijuana laws and how it has changed the amount of overdoses. Here is the article – Opioid Overdose Deaths Not Prevented By Medical Marijuana Laws, Research Suggests The Washington Post

Will he “Get it?”

My life has been a little hectic the past month, but we’ve made it through as well as made some great advances in communication with my son’s fiance. You see since he is sitting in County Prison for 60 days he is no longer able to control that situation. She has been relying on us