Recovery Takes a Team

The NFL playoffs have started. I don’t know who you’re rooting for. Some people stick with their hometown team, others pick according to their favorite colors and some because their parents are staunch fans. But we all have a favorite no matter how we got to that choice. I happen to cheer for 2 teams,

Depression in Sobriety – Repost

HOME  »  ADDICTION ARTICLES  »  Addiction Facts  »  5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety 5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety It’s no secret that sobriety can be a challenging part of life for many addicts and alcoholics around the world. Finding light in the seemingly endless bleakness that we may

Stress of the Holidays

Holidays can be joyful but they can also be stressful. Stress causes a lot of things. As the mother of an addict the stress I worry about is the stress on my son. He has been in recovery for over a year but the holidays bring with them a great amount of temptation along with

Being a Good Parent

I am learning each day how my children are all so different. I have set different boundaries for each as they have for me. Since I was a very hands on Mom I’ve become a very Hands On Grandmother. It’s just fine with my daughters but not so much with my son. It brings to

Ready, Set, and GO

How often do you go out of your comfort zone? Do you ever wish that you could or would try something new? I know I do and recently I’ve gotten better at challenging myself, after all we only get one shot at this life and I really hope I don’t give up my dreams for

Addiction Treatments Past and Present – Repost In the past, society viewed drug addiction as a moral flaw. Popular “treatments” involved imprisonment, sentencing to asylums, and church-guided prayer. Not surprisingly, these methods were generally ineffective. Today we understand that addiction is a brain disease characterized by fundamental and long-lasting changes in the brain. Modern treatments are based on scientific research. Treatment

It’s working!

I think that my son really has gotten it! Sticking to boundaries are easy though when they are working. It’s when they aren’t working that I feel the stress. But I am so very glad that I stuck to them about watching the kids at the last minute and every weekend. Once he took the

Boundaries Can Work

I really think it’s finally sinking in! Yes, boundaries do work if you don’t give up. I have been trying for so long to get my son to stop badgering me when I say I can’t do something for him. Recently it’s been watching his kids. Every day it’s another request and another outburst when

Patience in Recovery

Sometimes I believe we need to have a little patience. Waiting for things to happen is difficult. We want to jump right to the final version without doing all the work required to get there. In other words we expect instant gratification. The same concept applies to recovery, both for the addict and their family.


Growth is defined as the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. So you see growth is a gradual increase, not a one day or one week or even one month time. There is no time limit, as long as you are changing, evolving, then you are growing. You don’t need

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Recently I saw a post that gave me a new perspective on judging how my day, week or month is going. Instead of measuring your success by the chores or job you completed try measuring it by how you touched other peoples lives. How many smiles did you share? How many kind words did you

Repost – 7 Ways to release Anger

Seven Ways to Release Anger Out of Your Body No emotion is negative unless we refuse to feel it. Read more at Anger is a feeling of powerlessness. However, within your anger is a tremendous sense of power, purpose, passion and meaning because when you feel angry, it’s because you wanted to do something

Is Prison Healing?

Hebrews 13:3 New International Version (NIV) 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. As together with them – Feel for them as you would wish others to feel for you were you in their circumstances, knowing

Family Love, Family First

Holidays can be both fun and stressful. Which was yours? I hope you were able to find a little bit of peace and relaxation for yourself. I was blessed to have all 3 of my children home and to share the day with friends and family. It was wonderful to see the little ones playing