Picture Perfect?

Gratitude. What an amazing word. We could all use a little more of this. I am very guilty of this. I concentrate on what is wrong rather then what is right. I want a perfect picture life. That just is not possible but how do I change that perspective? I think gratitude is the key.

Time Moves On

As time moves on life gets in the way of our best intentions. This past year has been a blur. We have all struggled through COVID19 and the impact it has had in our lives. We have watched those we love get sick, possibly die and restrictions on our lives to help stop the spread.

Stay At Home Orders and Stress

Are you still under “stay at home” orders in your state? Do you see an end in site? Are you able to work from home? Have you accomplished anything during this time? Stay at Home orders cause stress but there are so many questions and really not enough answers, at least for me. I have

Life and a Pandemic at odds

While we all are struggling through the COVID-19 lock downs life gets stressful. Since we have my son’s family living here with us, things get crazy. There is no personal space, no escape some days. 4 children and 3 adults are a lot of people together 24/7 in the same house. Then to add to

COVID 19 and Addiction

repost : From The Addiction Center https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/addiction-covid-19-connection/ How Is COVID-19 Impacting People with an Addiction? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a rapidly spread respiratory disease that has changed the globe in a matter of months. Businesses, schools, churches, and the daily life of individuals have been disrupted financially and socially. Just as the disease has

Jail Visits

Just finished visiting my son. Surprised him since I usually visit on Sundays but was sick this Sunday. He was very happy to see me since he hasn’t been able to call anyone because he’s out of money. We talked about how he really missed his kids and it upset him when he saw them

Jail Visits – The Facts

Visiting a jail to see someone that you love isn’t ideal. In fact it’s pretty far from ideal. If you have never had the wonderful opportunity (sarcasm here) let me tell you how it goes. First there are assigned visiting hours usually at pretty inconvenient hours for working people. They are usually twice a week

Sober Winter Fun

There is always the question of what can I do without drinking? Without drugs? Without partying? How will I meet people? Where will I meet people? Why can’t I still hang out with the old group and just not drink or do drugs? Starting a new way of living certainly comes with it’s challenges and

Where is Rock Bottom?

It’s been 1 year and a half since I started writing this blog. So much has changed but so much has remained the same. My son has been in jail several times, He’s there right now and will miss the birth of his daughter this week. Instead of becoming more positive about his recovery I’m

Why Don’t They Care

Having a loved one in recovery means you’ll always live on the edge. Sadly we learn this fact over and over again. I thought maybe overdosing would have a huge impact on my son. It did not. He is back in jail, found unconscious in his truck with needles and drugs on his lap. Why?

Holidays with Someone in Recovery

Christmas, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are fast approaching. Holidays can be especially difficult for someone in recovery. The holidays are times of parties and parties a lot of the time involve drinking. Not just the parties but the family dinners, gift giving etc. All these things can cause a tremendous amount of stress. Stress is a

Please Don’t Judge Me

I feel as though I’m very lucky right now. It didn’t always feel this way. Those close to me just didn’t understand addiction, well really neither did I. But I was thrust into learning and learning quickly all I could about the subject. I read whatever I could find and learned so much. I felt

Cherish The Moments, Save The Memories

No matter what the reason when there is an important event I want and wish for my son to be there. Sometimes it really isn’t possible such as our daughters wedding in New Orleans. Having him there would have made me burst with love and happiness. Don’t get me wrong though, I was very happy

Narcan Facts and Myths

https://cvshealth.com/thought-leadership/myths-and-facts-about-naloxone Repost : According to a Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, 56 percent of Americans say that they have been personally touched by the opioid abuse epidemic.1 With so many affected by the devastation that opioid misuse and abuse can cause, it’s important to understand the available tools that can help in the event of an overdose.