Avoiding Relapse

Avoiding relapse isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work and determination. You need to believe in yourself and know that you are worth it! Recovery can be the pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow. Along the way you will hit a lot of bumps. How you negotiate the path you are

Recovery to Relapse

Rough spots come up no matter how far along you are in your recovery. You can never let your guard down. Too much stress and pressure can cause a relapse unless you have the proper coping skills to deal with it. Keep going to counseling, there is a very good reason for it, talk to

Life Begins Again

Wow! And life begins again. Today my son and fiance had a little baby boy. He was only 4lbs 14 1/2 oz. Just a little peanut. This family has been the inspiration my son has needed to stay clean. Right now this is enough. He has a 2 year old, a newborn and a 8