More Sober Summer Fun

Summer is coming!! I know how exciting it is for me, longer days, sunshine and warm weather. I love summer. Summer means more time outside, picnics, time with friends and family but if it used to involve drinking and drugs you’ll need to make a few adjustments and that isn’t always easy. I know my

Recovery to Relapse

Rough spots come up no matter how far along you are in your recovery. You can never let your guard down. Too much stress and pressure can cause a relapse unless you have the proper coping skills to deal with it. Keep going to counseling, there is a very good reason for it, talk to

Heartbreak Doesn’t End

I wanted to order baby rings for my 2 older granddaughters. It was while I was looking that I came to the realization that mine are gone. I knew my engagement ring and wedding band were gone, but just realized that my 2 baby rings that I could have passed onto my grandchildren were in

Spring has Sprung!

Yes, it’s that time of year when we are all ready for warmer weather and time outside. The daylight hours are longer which gives us a sense of longer days. Days to spend with friends and family. Days outside maybe gardening or hiking. We all have our favorite activities. Here are some great products to

I Hope This is Change That Stays

My son has had another first! A good first. He brought 2 of his children with him to just visit, not to say I’ll be back in an hour but to actually stay and visit. There has been a little mother nagging going on about this. You see I hear all the time how I

Perspective from a Child of an Addict I wanted to share this blog with you. It gives you an entirely new perspective that may be helpful to some of you. This is the story of having a mother as an addict, to try to help her and eventually watch her die. But her story continues with her own relationships and her

A Personal Story of Recovery

This is a story of recovery. It was sent to me to personally share with you. It is important to share your stories, by doing so you can help or inspire another person. So this is Tiffany’s story – My name is Tiffany and I am an addict… I used to cringe at that last

Life with an Adult Child in Recovery

Life with my son is like a roller coaster. There are so many slow climbs to the top and a few giant drops. I feel as though those descents, however bad they are at the time, actually teach me something and give me strength. Sometimes it also teaches my son something about life and people.

New Resource for addiction treatment

This is a great resource to help you understand and find treatment near you. Remember to reach out, there are always people to help you. repost from Addiction Center What is An Overdose? An overdose, as the name implies, is a biological response to when the human body receives too much of a substance

Recovery Takes a Team

The NFL playoffs have started. I don’t know who you’re rooting for. Some people stick with their hometown team, others pick according to their favorite colors and some because their parents are staunch fans. But we all have a favorite no matter how we got to that choice. I happen to cheer for 2 teams,

Words that Cut Deep

These past few days have been the perfect example of how it is to be the mother of an addict. My son has been clean and sober for 18 months but still has the personality traits that he had when he was in active addiction. He still has the temper, the “me first” attitude, the

Depression in Sobriety – Repost

HOME  »  ADDICTION ARTICLES  »  Addiction Facts  »  5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety 5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety It’s no secret that sobriety can be a challenging part of life for many addicts and alcoholics around the world. Finding light in the seemingly endless bleakness that we may

Stress of the Holidays

Holidays can be joyful but they can also be stressful. Stress causes a lot of things. As the mother of an addict the stress I worry about is the stress on my son. He has been in recovery for over a year but the holidays bring with them a great amount of temptation along with

Sober Holiday Gifts Ideas

Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect gift and it’s even harder if you’re looking for someone that is in recovery. You don’t want to pick the “wrong” thing so here’s a list a potential ideas. I hope you’ll use my link to get to Amazon – I do get a small stipend if you