Fighting the Labels and Stigma of Addiction

  I find myself talking about the bad things that happen because of my son’s addiction. I talk about lying, stealing, yelling, homelessness, selfishness and so much more but there is also the part of my son that is good. The part that loves his family, the part of him that wants to stay sober,

Great Apparel Messages from Stage Recovery Store check out this amazing line of clothing! You’re going to love it! Stage Recovery Clothing has a great line of clothes with inspirational messages. Be sure to check them out and let them know that “Walking Thru The Dark” sent you! The designs are simple but send a powerful message to everyone around

Another resource for Addiction Recovery – Drug Court

Another Resource for Addiction Recovery My daughter is the administrator for Drug Court in Louisiana. There are Drug Courts available in many if not most states. I have asked her to write information for my blog, giving my readers another resource to help their loved ones. I’m including linking to the National Drug Court Program

Great Recovery Resource Link

I have a wonderful resource for all of you to try out. This website will get you all the programs available in your area just by entering your zip code. What an amazing way to have everything right at your fingertips Please give this a try. It was given to Drug Court professionals all