I Know I Am Enough by Christy Bonner

https://tinybuddha.com/blog/the-antidote-to-shame-i-am-enough/?fromterm=4921 The following is a wonderful story from Christy Bonner about loving an addict reposted from “Tiny Buddha” “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” ~Maya Angelou I grew up with a father who was an addict. When I was fourteen my dad hit rock bottom and lost a job with a six-figure salary, my

Hello Today

Well Hello Today! Today is another day, a day we can start anew if we choose to do that. I am hoping and praying that we can start anew. I am still worried about my son but the few conversations that we have showed me he has the tools he needs to prevent or limit

Narcan Training / Narcan can Save Lives

This past week my husband and I went to a county sponsored Narcan training and information meeting. It was a great information gathering event. There was many different rehab centers, Parent support groups, recover resources and educational opportunities. It was great to be able to talk to well informed professionals and gather information. There was

Repost – Harvard Health – COVID-19 & Opioid Addiction

Repost – https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/a-tale-of-two-epidemics-when-covid-19-and-opioid-addiction-collide-2020042019569 A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide Posted April 20, 2020, 2:30 pm Peter Grinspoon, MD Contributor I am a primary care doctor who has recovered from — and who treats — opiate addiction. I work in an inner-city primary care clinic in Chelsea, Massachusetts, which currently has

Jail Visits

Just finished visiting my son. Surprised him since I usually visit on Sundays but was sick this Sunday. He was very happy to see me since he hasn’t been able to call anyone because he’s out of money. We talked about how he really missed his kids and it upset him when he saw them

Please Don’t Judge Me

I feel as though I’m very lucky right now. It didn’t always feel this way. Those close to me just didn’t understand addiction, well really neither did I. But I was thrust into learning and learning quickly all I could about the subject. I read whatever I could find and learned so much. I felt

Narcan Facts and Myths

https://cvshealth.com/thought-leadership/myths-and-facts-about-naloxone Repost : According to a Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, 56 percent of Americans say that they have been personally touched by the opioid abuse epidemic.1 With so many affected by the devastation that opioid misuse and abuse can cause, it’s important to understand the available tools that can help in the event of an overdose.

Overdose Awareness Day

Make a Difference on International Overdose Awareness Day Of the 61,311 preventable drug overdoses in the country in 2017, more than 43,000 involved opioids. International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held Aug. 31 each year to remember those gone too soon from overdose deaths. What can you do? Hold a candlelight vigil Offer

Avoiding Relapse

Avoiding relapse isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work and determination. You need to believe in yourself and know that you are worth it! Recovery can be the pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow. Along the way you will hit a lot of bumps. How you negotiate the path you are

Perspective from a Child of an Addict

https://addictsripple.com/you-dont-know-what-its-like-to-be-an-addict/ I wanted to share this blog with you. It gives you an entirely new perspective that may be helpful to some of you. This is the story of having a mother as an addict, to try to help her and eventually watch her die. But her story continues with her own relationships and her

Now that you’re Sober, what can you do?

As a parent of an adult child in recovery it sometimes makes family time difficult. You want to be sure that you do everything you possibly can to support their sobriety without enabling them in any way. This isn’t easy. In the beginning we were walking on thin ice. We have been disappointed so many

New Resource for addiction treatment

This is a great resource to help you understand and find treatment near you. Remember to reach out, there are always people to help you. https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/overdose/ repost from Addiction Center What is An Overdose? An overdose, as the name implies, is a biological response to when the human body receives too much of a substance

Depression in Sobriety – Repost

HOME  »  ADDICTION ARTICLES  »  Addiction Facts  »  5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety https://yourfirststep.org/5-ways-cope-depression-sobriety/ 5 Ways To Cope With Depression In Sobriety It’s no secret that sobriety can be a challenging part of life for many addicts and alcoholics around the world. Finding light in the seemingly endless bleakness that we may

Addiction Treatments Past and Present – Repost

https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/treatments/ In the past, society viewed drug addiction as a moral flaw. Popular “treatments” involved imprisonment, sentencing to asylums, and church-guided prayer. Not surprisingly, these methods were generally ineffective. Today we understand that addiction is a brain disease characterized by fundamental and long-lasting changes in the brain. Modern treatments are based on scientific research. Treatment