I Know I Am Enough by Christy Bonner

https://tinybuddha.com/blog/the-antidote-to-shame-i-am-enough/?fromterm=4921 The following is a wonderful story from Christy Bonner about loving an addict reposted from “Tiny Buddha” “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” ~Maya Angelou I grew up with a father who was an addict. When I was fourteen my dad hit rock bottom and lost a job with a six-figure salary, my

A Personal Story of Recovery

This is a story of recovery. It was sent to me to personally share with you. It is important to share your stories, by doing so you can help or inspire another person. So this is Tiffany’s story – My name is Tiffany and I am an addict… I used to cringe at that last