My Cocoon

  The past few weeks I haven’t been able to write. I haven’t cared to write. I just wanted to curl up in my own little cocoon. My world just seemed so overwhelming. It was too much for me to add writing and exposing my fears to my days at work. Evenings were needed for

Where is Rock Bottom?

It’s been 1 year and a half since I started writing this blog. So much has changed but so much has remained the same. My son has been in jail several times, He’s there right now and will miss the birth of his daughter this week. Instead of becoming more positive about his recovery I’m

Holidays with Someone in Recovery

Christmas, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are fast approaching. Holidays can be especially difficult for someone in recovery. The holidays are times of parties and parties a lot of the time involve drinking. Not just the parties but the family dinners, gift giving etc. All these things can cause a tremendous amount of stress. Stress is a

Please Don’t Judge Me

I feel as though I’m very lucky right now. It didn’t always feel this way. Those close to me just didn’t understand addiction, well really neither did I. But I was thrust into learning and learning quickly all I could about the subject. I read whatever I could find and learned so much. I felt

Cherish The Moments, Save The Memories

No matter what the reason when there is an important event I want and wish for my son to be there. Sometimes it really isn’t possible such as our daughters wedding in New Orleans. Having him there would have made me burst with love and happiness. Don’t get me wrong though, I was very happy


This has been a very difficult summer. I’m wishing for a calmer, peaceful Autumn. Before that arrives I think I am coming close to letting all the build up of emotions out. On my way to the doctors at lunch today I starting feeling tears falling and had to take some deep breathes to stop

My Self Care

Important things I do besides worry and obsess about my son is to do a few things for myself. I guess it’s easier since he doesn’t live in our house. I do get time alone, time as a couple with my husband and the ability to go out with friends. One fun thing I do

My Son Overdosed

I don’t even know where to begin. I was so confident, so happy, my heart was whole when my son was out of jail and was able to be part of my birthday. I couldn’t believe the sense of peace I felt, the inner joy of seeing him and hugging him. He saw his son

Will he “Get it?”

My life has been a little hectic the past month, but we’ve made it through as well as made some great advances in communication with my son’s fiance. You see since he is sitting in County Prison for 60 days he is no longer able to control that situation. She has been relying on us

More Sober Summer Fun

Summer is coming!! I know how exciting it is for me, longer days, sunshine and warm weather. I love summer. Summer means more time outside, picnics, time with friends and family but if it used to involve drinking and drugs you’ll need to make a few adjustments and that isn’t always easy. I know my

Now that you’re Sober, what can you do?

As a parent of an adult child in recovery it sometimes makes family time difficult. You want to be sure that you do everything you possibly can to support their sobriety without enabling them in any way. This isn’t easy. In the beginning we were walking on thin ice. We have been disappointed so many

Life with an Adult Child in Recovery

Life with my son is like a roller coaster. There are so many slow climbs to the top and a few giant drops. I feel as though those descents, however bad they are at the time, actually teach me something and give me strength. Sometimes it also teaches my son something about life and people.

Words that Cut Deep

These past few days have been the perfect example of how it is to be the mother of an addict. My son has been clean and sober for 18 months but still has the personality traits that he had when he was in active addiction. He still has the temper, the “me first” attitude, the

Stress of the Holidays

Holidays can be joyful but they can also be stressful. Stress causes a lot of things. As the mother of an addict the stress I worry about is the stress on my son. He has been in recovery for over a year but the holidays bring with them a great amount of temptation along with