The Other Family part 2

Continuing from my last post, my son-in-law left that night but he wasn’t going to let go of our daughter without trying to completely destroy her. He began a smear campaign on social media. He portrayed himself as the victim just discarded like a piece of trash. Even his parents wouldn’t allow him to stay

Opinions of others

There are so many days that give me mixed feelings. Sometimes I’m blindsided by things that happen but it’s always living in a constant state of stress and anxiety. I feel like I’m always on the edge. Always waiting for the next catastrophe. I’m lucky to have a way to express how I’m feeling and

The issue is Trust

To me one of the biggest issues I have with my son is trust. He is just so good at weaving a story that he makes you want to believe him, sometimes even making you feel like you are crazy. He can twist anything around to suit his needs and make you feel guilty for

Fix the Courts

How and why is someone legally threatened with money or jail? Why is someone told by their probation officer that if they don’t come up with $950 they are going to jail? Why would you ever tell a recovering addict that they need to find money by 4pm or there will be a warrant issued?

No Means No

Sometimes I feel as though I’m talking to a 2 year old. When I say no I cannot do that, I cannot help you with that, I’m not giving you money, I am so tired of been badgered and made to feel guilty. Why can’t he just understand that I am saying No? Now it

Watch what you say

I have been reading numerous posts on Facebook and have become hurt and irritated at the lack of empathy from the respondents. Before commenting on a post I think you need to think – is it true? is it necessary? is it kind? Do your research and be educated before you make a post. Don’t

Court Date Tomorrow

Tomorrow our son has court. He is supposed to have $700 towards his restitution. Whether or not he has this I don’t know. He can’t tell us a consistent story. You know it’s said if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember your story. It would be nice if he told the truth.