Peacefulness in the Midst of a Storm

Peacefulness in the midst of a storm. Detachment brings inner peace. That is my mantra. I am working so very hard to keep a sense of peace around me while holding onto my boundaries. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Is it worth it? 100%. I don’t know when I made this breakthrough or how it

Families and Holidays

It isn’t my job to keep the peace of those who have caused chaos in my life. When the holidays come so does added stress for everyone. It’s not easy when you child is not included in family plans. It hurts. Not just him but me too. On one level I can understand but because

I am lost and I just want to cry

I am lost and I just want to cry. I cannot do this anymore. I just can’t take this roller coaster ride again. I want my son to go back to jail. Am I an evil mother? Am I wrong? I love him and I hate him all at the same time. How is that

He wants socks!

Yes, he’s in jail, his family is losing their home, he gambled away all the profits from his business and he wants money for socks! He has the audacity to call to say he wants socks! I think that this is the first time that I am this angry with him. He has not

Deja Vue, The Easy Way Doesn’t Get You Where You Need To Go.

Deja Vue, here we go again. Jail time, again. I don’t think he’ll ever learn. I believe he’s always going to fall back to his old habits when times get tough. He knows his triggers, he knows the resources available but yet he seems to just want the easy way. The easy way doesn’t get

Hello Today

Well Hello Today! Today is another day, a day we can start anew if we choose to do that. I am hoping and praying that we can start anew. I am still worried about my son but the few conversations that we have showed me he has the tools he needs to prevent or limit

How much more can I take?

How much more can I take? How many more tears can I shed? Why does this happen when everything seems to be going great? Why? Why? Why? I’m finding that I am sinking, not able to function, aware of what I need to do but just incapable of doing it. I am stuck.  Of course

Enabling or Not?

The ups and downs can be dramatic. There are days he’s doing great, even weeks and months and then it’s downhill, usually because of finances. As far as I know he hasn’t relapsed with narcotics but he’s under so much stress to make enough money that I’m scared. Scared that he will use just to

Circumstances create blockades, Boundaries for mental health

Wow, it’s been so long since I have posted. Sometimes life just gets in the way of the best intentions. Having 8 grandchildren keeps us pretty busy. Grandchildren are such a blessing. Spending time with them can sometimes be a challenge due to who their parents are. That really sounds terrible but it doesn’t mean

A Mother’s Pride of a Child in Recovery

I am so excited and so proud of my son. He has come so far in his recovery. I am completely aware that this could turn around in an instant but right now I am reveling in the joy of his success. At this time last year, as we were beginning the lock down of

Time Moves On

As time moves on life gets in the way of our best intentions. This past year has been a blur. We have all struggled through COVID19 and the impact it has had in our lives. We have watched those we love get sick, possibly die and restrictions on our lives to help stop the spread.

Stay At Home Orders and Stress

Are you still under “stay at home” orders in your state? Do you see an end in site? Are you able to work from home? Have you accomplished anything during this time? Stay at Home orders cause stress but there are so many questions and really not enough answers, at least for me. I have

Life and a Pandemic at odds

While we all are struggling through the COVID-19 lock downs life gets stressful. Since we have my son’s family living here with us, things get crazy. There is no personal space, no escape some days. 4 children and 3 adults are a lot of people together 24/7 in the same house. Then to add to

Jail Visits – The Facts

Visiting a jail to see someone that you love isn’t ideal. In fact it’s pretty far from ideal. If you have never had the wonderful opportunity (sarcasm here) let me tell you how it goes. First there are assigned visiting hours usually at pretty inconvenient hours for working people. They are usually twice a week