Stay At Home Orders and Stress

Are you still under “stay at home” orders in your state? Do you see an end in site? Are you able to work from home? Have you accomplished anything during this time? Stay at Home orders cause stress but there are so many questions and really not enough answers, at least for me. I have


Today my son turned 33. Age is just a number but also a barometer of how long he’s been struggling with addiction. 15 years, a very very long time. Within those years we’ve gone without knowing where he was, taking him to numerous rehabs, meeting with numerous counselors, setting up sober living houses, receiving phone

Holidays with Someone in Recovery

Christmas, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are fast approaching. Holidays can be especially difficult for someone in recovery. The holidays are times of parties and parties a lot of the time involve drinking. Not just the parties but the family dinners, gift giving etc. All these things can cause a tremendous amount of stress. Stress is a

Please Don’t Judge Me

I feel as though I’m very lucky right now. It didn’t always feel this way. Those close to me just didn’t understand addiction, well really neither did I. But I was thrust into learning and learning quickly all I could about the subject. I read whatever I could find and learned so much. I felt

Spring has Sprung!

Yes, it’s that time of year when we are all ready for warmer weather and time outside. The daylight hours are longer which gives us a sense of longer days. Days to spend with friends and family. Days outside maybe gardening or hiking. We all have our favorite activities. Here are some great products to

Now that you’re Sober, what can you do?

As a parent of an adult child in recovery it sometimes makes family time difficult. You want to be sure that you do everything you possibly can to support their sobriety without enabling them in any way. This isn’t easy. In the beginning we were walking on thin ice. We have been disappointed so many

Ready, Set, and GO

How often do you go out of your comfort zone? Do you ever wish that you could or would try something new? I know I do and recently I’ve gotten better at challenging myself, after all we only get one shot at this life and I really hope I don’t give up my dreams for

Boundaries Can Work

I really think it’s finally sinking in! Yes, boundaries do work if you don’t give up. I have been trying for so long to get my son to stop badgering me when I say I can’t do something for him. Recently it’s been watching his kids. Every day it’s another request and another outburst when

Patience in Recovery

Sometimes I believe we need to have a little patience. Waiting for things to happen is difficult. We want to jump right to the final version without doing all the work required to get there. In other words we expect instant gratification. The same concept applies to recovery, both for the addict and their family.


Growth is defined as the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. So you see growth is a gradual increase, not a one day or one week or even one month time. There is no time limit, as long as you are changing, evolving, then you are growing. You don’t need


Frustration! Is there a reason to lie about everything? I honestly felt that things would improve when my son was in recovery. I guess it’s hard to break habits that have become so much a part of him. So when will it finally click? When he is caught is a lie he twist things around

The littlest Victims of Addiction

There has to be a better way to help babies born with addictions to opiods. My grandson was born 6 days ago and has been in the NICU since Tuesday night. His mother and my son are both being treated with methadone, good for them but not so good for this little guy. He was

Brainstorming 100+ Sober and Fun Activities

Here are 150+ ideas for your weekend. It’s always helpful to get some ideas, a place to start, when you’re just not sure what to do. So here you go, Print this out and Check them off as you go and most importantly have FUN!! 1. Read a book about a place you’d like to

Simple Moments

We had a great night with both of our granddaughters. We took them to a local carnival. One is our son’s and the other is our daughter’s, both are expecting new little ones in September and October. These two are 3 + 2 years old. I get to spend alot of time with the 3