Time Moves On

As time moves on life gets in the way of our best intentions. This past year has been a blur. We have all struggled through COVID19 and the impact it has had in our lives. We have watched those we love get sick, possibly die and restrictions on our lives to help stop the spread.

Recovery Doesn’t Equal Peace

I am finding that although my son is in recovery, many of his personality traits still reflect his drug use. He is very selfish, he only wants from others and isn’t giving. Everything he does has a motive behind it. He still tries to make others feel guilty and always has a million excuses. So

Automatic Emotional Reactions

I’ve been thinking that there are times where I jump to conclusions with my adult son, times that maybe I overreact because I’m expecting him to have made a poor choice. But sometimes he hasn’t. If something is missing the first thing that pops into my head is that he did it. He took it.