Being a Good Parent

I am learning each day how my children are all so different. I have set different boundaries for each as they have for me. Since I was a very hands on Mom I’ve become a very Hands On Grandmother. It’s just fine with my daughters but not so much with my son. It brings to

I learned to say No

Do I go cold turkey—to borrow a recovery phrase—or cut them off in baby steps? Do I continue to pay for things that support a drug-free lifestyle, like substance abuse counseling, sober living houses, rehab costs or sever all financial ties? What if they can’t afford to eat? What if they’re in withdrawal and ask

Ready, Set, and GO

How often do you go out of your comfort zone? Do you ever wish that you could or would try something new? I know I do and recently I’ve gotten better at challenging myself, after all we only get one shot at this life and I really hope I don’t give up my dreams for

Addiction Treatments Past and Present – Repost In the past, society viewed drug addiction as a moral flaw. Popular “treatments” involved imprisonment, sentencing to asylums, and church-guided prayer. Not surprisingly, these methods were generally ineffective. Today we understand that addiction is a brain disease characterized by fundamental and long-lasting changes in the brain. Modern treatments are based on scientific research. Treatment

It’s working!

I think that my son really has gotten it! Sticking to boundaries are easy though when they are working. It’s when they aren’t working that I feel the stress. But I am so very glad that I stuck to them about watching the kids at the last minute and every weekend. Once he took the

Boundaries Can Work

I really think it’s finally sinking in! Yes, boundaries do work if you don’t give up. I have been trying for so long to get my son to stop badgering me when I say I can’t do something for him. Recently it’s been watching his kids. Every day it’s another request and another outburst when

Listening is Good Medicine

Sometimes you just need to get the opinion of someone removed from the situation to assure yourself that what you are doing is the right thing to do. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, crazy or nuts, it just means you need a little support. When you are constantly giving to everyone else it is important


Frustration! Is there a reason to lie about everything? I honestly felt that things would improve when my son was in recovery. I guess it’s hard to break habits that have become so much a part of him. So when will it finally click? When he is caught is a lie he twist things around

A Message of Hope

I know we all wonder if we somehow did something to contribute to our child’s addiction. I know I think in my head, what could I have done differently? As a parent we feel as though raising our children into responsible adults is our job and the first thing that comes to mind is how

Today is another day

Every day brings new challenges, new joys and gives life new meanings. Today is a day I’d prefer not to hear my sons problems. You see even after 12 years he has still not paid his restitution from his felonies. He has been on probation for 12 years! He has been given more breaks then

It’s not always easy, in fact it’s never easy

The hardest thing I had to do was apply for a visitor pass at the county prison. I didn’t feel like I would make it through the day, but I did. And it wasn’t as bad the next time. Yes sadly there was a next time. But those 16 felonies were knocked down to just

Hello world! Ready to begin!

*** It’s been 1 year and a half since I started writing this blog. So much has changed but so much has remained the same. My son has been in jail several times, He’s there right now and will miss the birth of his daughter this week. Instead of becoming more positive about his recovery