It’s working!

I think that my son really has gotten it! Sticking to boundaries are easy though when they are working. It’s when they aren’t working that I feel the stress. But I am so very glad that I stuck to them about watching the kids at the last minute and every weekend. Once he took the

Boundaries Can Work

I really think it’s finally sinking in! Yes, boundaries do work if you don’t give up. I have been trying for so long to get my son to stop badgering me when I say I can’t do something for him. Recently it’s been watching his kids. Every day it’s another request and another outburst when

Recovery Doesn’t Equal Peace

I am finding that although my son is in recovery, many of his personality traits still reflect his drug use. He is very selfish, he only wants from others and isn’t giving. Everything he does has a motive behind it. He still tries to make others feel guilty and always has a million excuses. So

Patience in Recovery

Sometimes I believe we need to have a little patience. Waiting for things to happen is difficult. We want to jump right to the final version without doing all the work required to get there. In other words we expect instant gratification. The same concept applies to recovery, both for the addict and their family.


Growth is defined as the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. So you see growth is a gradual increase, not a one day or one week or even one month time. There is no time limit, as long as you are changing, evolving, then you are growing. You don’t need

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Recently I saw a post that gave me a new perspective on judging how my day, week or month is going. Instead of measuring your success by the chores or job you completed try measuring it by how you touched other peoples lives. How many smiles did you share? How many kind words did you

Being bored is part of life

It’s easy to see how recovery can be hard. There are days that are hard for me and I’m not fighting relapsing. Life can be boring. It isn’t always exciting, busy and fun. That’s a hard thing for me so how much harder is it for someone in recovery. I like to be doing things,

Repost – Understanding Addiction How Addiction Hijacks the Brain Addiction involves craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. Addiction changes the brain, first by subverting the way it registers pleasure and then by corrupting other normal drives such as learning and motivation. Although breaking an addiction is

Repost- Repressed Anger

Left unprocessed, repressed anger will wreak havoc on your happiness, your relationships, and your overall life. “But I’m not an angry person. I never get angry!”, say most people everywhere. Chances are, if you found your way to this article, there’s some repressed anger buried somewhere deep inside of you. And it isn’t your fault.

Automatic Emotional Reactions

I’ve been thinking that there are times where I jump to conclusions with my adult son, times that maybe I overreact because I’m expecting him to have made a poor choice. But sometimes he hasn’t. If something is missing the first thing that pops into my head is that he did it. He took it.

Is Prison Healing?

Hebrews 13:3 New International Version (NIV) 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. As together with them – Feel for them as you would wish others to feel for you were you in their circumstances, knowing

Repost – 7 Tips For Mothers of Addicts

I am always looking for articles to give me guidance during times of stress and I came across this one to share with you. I hope you can gain something from this article by Suzanne Degges-White, PHD Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D. Lifetime Connections 7 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts Parenting adult children who abuse substances,

Family Love, Family First

Holidays can be both fun and stressful. Which was yours? I hope you were able to find a little bit of peace and relaxation for yourself. I was blessed to have all 3 of my children home and to share the day with friends and family. It was wonderful to see the little ones playing

Listening is Good Medicine

Sometimes you just need to get the opinion of someone removed from the situation to assure yourself that what you are doing is the right thing to do. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, crazy or nuts, it just means you need a little support. When you are constantly giving to everyone else it is important