Addiction and Stress on Others

Addiction hurts everyone, not just the addict. Addiction has far reaching affects on the people that are around the addict, the ones who love them and the ones who care for them or advocate for them. Having the constant stress takes it’s toll both mentally and physically. It is the constant worrying about your loved

I know what it feels like

I know how you feel because I feel the same things. I know the pain you’re feeling because I too feel the pain. I know what it’s like to see them walk out the door not knowing if you’ll ever see them again. I know the excitement that this will be the time he stays

Fighting the Labels and Stigma of Addiction

  I find myself talking about the bad things that happen because of my son’s addiction. I talk about lying, stealing, yelling, homelessness, selfishness and so much more but there is also the part of my son that is good. The part that loves his family, the part of him that wants to stay sober,

Simple Moments

We had a great night with both of our granddaughters. We took them to a local carnival. One is our son’s and the other is our daughter’s, both are expecting new little ones in September and October. These two are 3 + 2 years old. I get to spend alot of time with the 3

Our Son is in Recovery

Our son is in recovery, he has to my best estimate, 12 months clean. I know that he relapsed last June when my Father, his grandfather, passed away. He has made a lot of changes in this past year, some good and some not as good. He found out last June that he had a

Holidays can make me Sad

Did you ever get upset because there was an upcoming holiday and your son or daughter was going to be missing? Or maybe you have your whole family together and you insist that there’s a family photo taken? Did you ever think, what if this is the last time I can get this photo or

Why Am I Afraid

I read something today that really hit home to me. I started thinking about what I am afraid of. The truth is I think I’m most afraid of letting my children down, any of them, not just my son who is an addict. I think I want to do everything I can to be there

The Other Family part 2

Continuing from my last post, my son-in-law left that night but he wasn’t going to let go of our daughter without trying to completely destroy her. He began a smear campaign on social media. He portrayed himself as the victim just discarded like a piece of trash. Even his parents wouldn’t allow him to stay

Other Family Members Part 1

I know that I’ve been primarily writing about my son but there are other things that go on in my life as well. Just as everyone has multiple things going on all the time. Sometimes they overlap and sometimes they do not. As the Mother of three I am surrounded by three different life stories

Opinions of others

There are so many days that give me mixed feelings. Sometimes I’m blindsided by things that happen but it’s always living in a constant state of stress and anxiety. I feel like I’m always on the edge. Always waiting for the next catastrophe. I’m lucky to have a way to express how I’m feeling and

Do you Hear What I Hear

When you talk to your loved one what do you hear? Do you hear positive messages or are they depressed and negative about their lives? We need to be aware of their moods, as we need to be aware of our own. Of course each day will be different but their overall frame of mind

A Message of Hope

I know we all wonder if we somehow did something to contribute to our child’s addiction. I know I think in my head, what could I have done differently? As a parent we feel as though raising our children into responsible adults is our job and the first thing that comes to mind is how

Let’s be Honest

Let’s be honest about our feelings. It’s really hard to love someone who doesn’t act like they love or care about you. We all had a vision of what our family would be like. It sure wasn’t like this. We never dreamed that our sweet adorable children would grow up to be drug addicts, to

Addiction, Holidays & Families

This is Memorial Day weekend, a holiday to celebrate with family and friends. But what if your family doesn’t want your addict son or daughter at their house? Do you still go? Do you stay home? Do you make other plans? It’s hard to know the right thing to do. You hate to see your