Living on the Edge

And so we wait. A court date has been set in early November for a revocation hearing. That does not stop the county from putting out a warrant at any time before then. It’s really hard on me but I cannot imagine what it’s like for him. Every time you hear a siren the police

Relapsing and the courts

On Friday it will be 5 weeks that my son has been in jail. He had a hot urine at probation. Now that we know what it was that he tested positive for, we can say that the actions of his probation officer may have saved his life. He tested positive for Fentanyl. He was

Is Prison Healing?

Hebrews 13:3 New International Version (NIV) 3 Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. As together with them – Feel for them as you would wish others to feel for you were you in their circumstances, knowing

Another resource for Addiction Recovery – Drug Court

Another Resource for Addiction Recovery My daughter is the administrator for Drug Court in Louisiana. There are Drug Courts available in many if not most states. I have asked her to write information for my blog, giving my readers another resource to help their loved ones. I’m including linking to the National Drug Court Program

Fix the Courts

How and why is someone legally threatened with money or jail? Why is someone told by their probation officer that if they don’t come up with $950 they are going to jail? Why would you ever tell a recovering addict that they need to find money by 4pm or there will be a warrant issued?