This is a list of various Addiction Recovery Services to help you find the help you need. I hope by placing these all together in one place it will make your search easier during this difficult time. Please let me know if you have a resource that you believe would be helpful for me to add to the list.
Aunt Bertha is a great website to find social services close to your home. Please give this a try. It was given to Drug Court professionals all over the country at their National Conference that was just held in Houston.
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, my daughter is the Administrator of Drug Court where she lives. I am going to have her write a post for me to provide information about this program. This is especially helpful if your loved one has any non-violent criminal charges against them. It is a program to help get those charge reduced so no jail time will be required.
Drug court is available all over the United States. It could be a very important piece of information to keep in your pocket.
Today is a short post because I just wanted to get this website out and in your hands.
National Assoc of Drug Court Professionals
National Institute of Drug Abuse Prevention
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7
Information and resources for alcohol addiction
Understanding addiction
Narconon – help for families dealing with addiction
Find a meeting for Narcotics Anonymous
Finding help for families of addicts – Nar-anon
Support groups for families of Addicts
American Academy of Addiction Psychology
Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
National Institute of Drug Abuse – Treatment and Recovery