It’s now been 2 1/2 years since I started writing this blog. There have been so many ups and downs. I’m just tired, tired of the promises, the “I’m Sorrys”, tired of the lies, just tired and I don’t know how things will end up. Much like all of you reading this, it truly is One Day At A Time. By writing I hope to convey to you my readers that you are not alone, sadly we are all in this together. The heartbreak, the locks, the boundaries, all the things we all do to attempt to keep our sanity; We do it together and we can lean on each other knowing that there are people just like ourselves facing the heartbreak that addiction causes. Be kind to each other, it what we do have control over.
*** It’s been 1 year and a half since I started writing this blog. So much has changed but so much has remained the same. My son has been in jail several times, He’s there right now and will miss the birth of his daughter this week. Instead of becoming more positive about his recovery I’m sad to say at this point I’m starting to lose hope. I do want to believe he can recover, I don’t want to lose my son but the devil seems to be holding on pretty tightly.***
Hello World! I am here to tell my story. It’s not always happy but not always sad. I guess a little like everyone’s life except that I am also a Mom that has been dealing with her child’s addiction, not always the easiest thing but I have to keep moving forward, keep hoping and praying, basically living one day at a time. So this is my life which might be a lot like yours or nothing you ever imagined. Hopefully by telling my story it will bring some understanding to others that don’t quite see what families of an addict go through as well as help those that do to know that they are not alone. We are all in this crazy messed up world together so let’s help each other.
I’m a mother of a recovering addict. I am also a wife, mother of non-addicts, a daughter and a Grandmother. I am just like you, I work, I babysit, I help others, I cook, I do laundry, I read, I travel, I pray, I cry and I laugh. Because being the Mother of a recovering addict has moments of deep pain and moments of great joy. These changes can happen in a matter of minutes. This is my story, this is my life.
Each post is about my feelings, my experiences throughout our family’s journey with our sons addiction. I’m writing from my perspective as his mother. Addiction hurts everyone and affects everyone it touches but it also brings everyone a new closeness from shared experiences, at least from my experience. My husband and I had decided early on that this wouldn’t be a secret, that just leaves too much to the imagination of others. We don’t always share every detail but only the main facts of his disease. We hope that people will ask questions or research information so that they could be more informed or at least less judgemental. It has worked fairly well although there have been some exceptions that we have had to deal with. Providing education about addiction is the best way to get less of the negative comments and more support and understanding.
I’ve tried to compile not only my own person experiences but also resources that can help both the addict and the family or friends to find new resources that you might have never heard about before. Being informed gives you a sense of control which we don’t have much of when we love an addict. Please comment, ask questions and leave suggestions so that we can all benefit from shared knowledge.
I will be publishing 2 posts per week and would be honored to have you sign up on the email list to get notifications when they are publishing. There will be no additional emails nor will they be shared outside of this site.
There are times when we all need to refocus ourselves away from the stress of life on the edge. Living with and loving an addict is living on the edge. I am always waiting for something to happen. It could be a relapse, it could be items missing from our home or a visit at our door from the police. This stress wears you down and sometimes it just helps to know that you are not alone.
This documentary of hope is the first to reveal the facts of life on the other side of addiction, and what it takes for families to heal.The Must-See Documentary About Addiction Recovery. Winner of the 2016 ASAM Media Award given by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, a national medical society of over 3,700 physicians.
Love this my son is an addict. Love to all mamas.
I’m so glad that you found this blog and I hope in some small way it can help you.
Thank you for starting this blog! I am SENDING so much love to you and your faMily 💜 i am the mOther of a beautiful young woman strugGling with addictiOn as well, and grandmother of her Sweet, innocent son. Her relapSe is going on 3 years now and has Crushed the hearts of many. I am torn apart not only Due to my own pain, but theIrs as well..especially my grandson’s. I have been looking for a site like this where we can support and learn from each other. we truly are walking thru the daRk. I never, ever imagined that this could one day be the realiTy of our lives. It is the most devastating CrisiS, made worse by the fact that we are completely powerless in it all. I have gotten to the point That i never thought i would be at now, and never understood when others have said it…having to let go for my own sanity, health and well-being. Yet I Don’t Know whether or not i will be able to maintain it. I am exhausted right now but will be back to read and comment on your other articles.
Thank you again and much love, kellie
Thank you so much for your comment. It means a lot to me that you are finding value in what I am writing. There are many days where I question myself and some where I feel confident. This last month has been very trying but I need to pull myself together, as best I can. We can all learn from each other and support each other. Hugs to you! Linda