Living in the moment with Gratitude

I’m always trying to see the future and how little changes can snowball into greater things. I would like to concentrate more on today and less on tomorrow, Living in the moment with Gratitude. If things are good right now I need to live in this moment of time instead of worrying about tomorrow. That is a hard concept even without throwing the variable of an addict into the mix. That makes thing so much more stressful. I’m always waiting for the next thing to happen instead of Living in the moment with Gratitude

Trying to understand what we have that brings us joy is something we should be doing every day, every minute. If we can keep the negative thoughts out of our heads by thinking of what we have that is good, we can change our lives.

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel when you acknowledge what is good in your life? Living in the moment with Gratitude makes that happen.

Every November each day I post one thing that I am grateful for on my Facebook page. When I think about what I’m going to share that day it really feels good, when someone sees what you wrote especially if it’s them that you’re grateful for, it make them feel good too. Then others see it and think how sweet that was to write and they feel good too. So my personal expression of gratitude is far reaching. It might benefit me but it also benefits others. Maybe then they think about the little things that they are grateful for and they smile too.

I have not only changed my thinking at that moment but have also changed others. Imagine what we could do with that kind of positive energy throughout our families, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries and the world. Just one small grateful statement can change so much and yet we don’t do that. Or like myself, I save it for November because of Thanksgiving. My life could be so much more positive and meaningful. I do have the power to do that!

By changing my perspective from wishing for tomorrow to being thankful for what I have today gives me peace. Peace in knowing what I have is good enough and I am truly blessed. It’s really hard to continue this everyday. Life throws us a curveball and we get off track. You would think that those feel good feeling would help us continue. There are journaling books but after a few day I always find something else to do thinking I’ll catch up the next day. Why? Maybe it’s too ambitious to think of some grand thing each day. Maybe just maybe we should be thankful for the little things like that weed that bloomed into a pretty flower or the soft blanket we can cuddle up with at night. It’s not always the big things that matter, it’s a culmination of all things small and large that make our lives happier and more meaningful.

Take a moment to read the attached article. Maybe with a little gratitude you and I can together change the world or at least make our own little corner a bit happier.