
Confidence. Coming to terms with many things feels like I’ve lifted a huge weight off of me.

I am slowly coming to the realization that the only person
I have control of is myself. This realization brings with it both a sadness and a great peace. Sadness that I really cannot help someone who doesn’t want the help and isn’t willing to help themselves. But on the other hand, there is peace knowing that I am free from the burden of fixing everything and everyone. I am trying to live in the moment, not dwelling in the past that I cannot change or the future that I cannot control.

I have finally let go, let go of expectations, let go of guilt, and let go of control which I never really had anyway. Guess what? I also let go of worry, fear and some stress. What I still can do is pray and ask others to pray too. I know I can’t change his world but I can change mine. I’m not in anyway saying this is easy or that I’m perfect at holding these boundaries but I am way better then I was before. I am more aware of what I am doing and how it affects myself and others.

My son may call me selfish and uncaring but I need to find my own way of dealing with the circumstances I did not cause or contribute to. I need to be able to enjoy my days, my grandchildren, my other children, my husband, all without allowing a constant cloud to be hanging over me. Life is too short to miss out on amazing moments.

I am happy to see him or talk to him when the situation can be positive, when there is no screaming, accusations or guilt trips directed at me. I want to hold conversations that are kind and not divisive. I want to be able to see him without being asked for something, no ulterior motives involved.

Our son is holding his own right now. He is stable. He is taking his medications for bi-polar. He is staying clean. He is not gambling. He is being a Father and caregiver. He is working to help pay his families bills. But, I am no longer naive enough to think this can last forever. There  have been too many relapses, too many jail visits and too much responsibility falling back on us. So I am just accepting that this is the way it is today, not tomorrow and not yesterday, just today.

Today is all I can count on.