I did that
If you’ve been following the saga of our ups and downs then you are aware of my sons continuing addiction. Now it is gambling. I’ve really been pushed beyond my limits. So I decided enough is enough. I did that. That being confrontation, no backing down, boldly setting boundaries and being confident in my decision.
That decision was made as he was at a casino suppose to be signing papers that would bar him from gambling. He has gambled tens of thousands of dollars and financially ruined his business along with his family having to find a new place to live and a way to support themselves. We have been buying food for the children, putting oil in their heater, buying dinners and school supplies
His fiance called my husband in tears because he wouldn’t go in. It seems he knew too many people there and didn’t want to be escorted out in front of them. My husband, who has medical issues, was arguing with him over the phone. My son was belligerent. I happened to have that afternoon off and told my husband I was going to the casino right at that moment. All I then heard was “Don’t Get Mom Involved”. Hmm really, have I not been involved since the day he was born?
I then got in my car and drove to the casino where they were standing in the parking lot. After having a conversation with his fiance then I proceeded to tell him what I was going to do.
#1 I did not ever want to see him again if he didn’t sign these papers, I would still see his children and fiance but I was done with all of this. I was done with his behavior and lack of concern for anyone but himself. #2 I understand that only he can do this so therefore this is completely his choice but he will not receive any support from us. #3 He needs to attend meetings. I am willing to take him to counseling and meetings whenever he needs me too.
Yes, I did that. I told him I never wanted to see him again. He cried, tears I’ve seen before and I was not affected by them. Just do what you need to do and then we can work with the rest.
It took several trips, phone calls that his fiance made but eventually it came through. I do not believe anything of importance that comes from him. I truly wish I could but having been deceived so many times in the past I stood firm with all of this. Did it hurt, yes. Did it work, I don’t really know. I just know that for probably the first time I felt in control. I felt peace.
It’s sad to see the breakdown of family dynamics that over the years this has caused. His sisters have followed my lead on this. I think I have finally let it go. I have finally been pushed to the brink and forced to take action, forced to confront the demons and I believe for myself that I have won.
I saw actual paperwork that came certified mail and I know that he is now banned from Gambling pretty much anywhere in the country. I have seen him once, on his daughters birthday. It is going to take a very long time to get back a good relationship of trust. The love is always there.