Stay At Home Orders and Stress
Are you still under “stay at home” orders in your state? Do you see an end in site? Are you able to work from home? Have you accomplished anything during this time? Stay at Home orders cause stress but there are so many questions and really not enough answers, at least for me. I have not been to a store, others in my house have. I have spent my time writing my father’s memoirs and some but not much cleaning. Maybe I should have done that more but that’s how it goes. I think I would have done more if I was in my house without another family here. I feel like the only place I can escape is my bedroom. In my last post I told you that my son, daughter in law and 4 grandchildren were living with my husband and I. It is a lot. The children are 9, 3, 19 months and 6 months. It’s chaotic!
My son was released from jail due to the coronavirus, COVID-19, but he had been sentenced to go from jail directly to a rehab, Of course that didn’t happen and here he is. He has been acclimating to his family again which has been a real eye-opener for him. Seeing how difficult life has been for his wife and how overwhelmed he is feeling isn’t helping his recovery. He has been doing meetings remotely and counseling remotely. All of our lives have changed, how we relate to people, who we see, where we can go, it’s stressful for all of us. I’m concerned for him. I hope he is doing all he can to stay on track. I wish he would have been able to go directly to rehab as was the agreement. I for one, would have felt safer and less stressed. But he is 33 so I can’t “follow-up”. I do ask and I do remind him that he must make time to work on his recovery. The bottom line is that he must be responsible for his recovery.
The stress level can really get to me sometimes. My husband, his Dad, does try to act as a buffer but he knows exactly how to push my buttons and he does. It was sadly so much nicer to visit him in jail. Thanks to my husband and daughter in law he does apologize for most of it. But it’s just the constant badgering that wears me down. He is very needy. He always wants help with something or for you to drive him somewhere but whatever he is asking must be done “Now”. Not when you are ready, but on his time schedule. It’s an addict mentality, it’s self centered and about them. That is a huge stressor.
Having the kids here has been nice, nicer when I was working and they greeted me at the end of the day rather then all day long. It’s hard being a grandparent but being put into a parent role. I am so impressed of the grandparents that do this full time without the parents help at all. I am truly thankful of this time to bond with these 4 children. That has been a blessing. We know what we are doing is the right thing by allowing them to stay here, we are doing it for the children. The children need a safe and stable place to live. When they are able to be back on their feet it will be time for them to again go out on their own. We are giving them a step up, a chance to change their circumstances.
addition – 3-16-2021 My son and family have rented a house! I am so excited for them to have their own space to raise their family.