New Year, Hoping For A New Start
The holidays have ended and although we couldn’t all be together there were lots of happy memories made. We now have seven grandchildren so I was going for organized chaos. 6 of them live nearby and the 7th about 1200 miles away. This year we were spending Christmas with my daughter’s family 1200 miles away. So we celebrated Christmas here the Saturday prior with my other daughter, her family and my sons’ fiance and children. I love seeing the cousins together. I have so many great memories of the times with my cousins and I wish for the same for my grandchildren.
Before we had dinner I went to see my son in jail. Thankfully right now he isn’t far away in distance. It was tough knowing that he would be behind glass and not with us when we were celebrating. His children would be without their father, his fiance without her partner and his family without their son and brother. I spent the 45 minutes allowed with him talking about what we were going to be doing, about what he has been and will be doing, and letting him know that we care. I can only imagine how difficult it is for him to be behind bars over the holidays, but at the same time there is so much difficulty for his children and fiance due to the consequences of his choices.
People are amazingly generous. There were so many people that helped us to provide a Christmas for these children. I had made sure that I purchased all the stocking stuffers as well as one gift for each child from Santa. There was help from other family members, as well as some non-profit groups. I went and picked out some games, trucks and books from an event for families in need. The oldest was given giftcards for Walmart from his school. There was so much kindness and generosity that I was overwhelmed. Even after the holidays have ended I have had family give me giftcards and cash to help with gasoline, diapers and formula. People just want to help however they can. We have seen the good in people and truly appreciate all that have both helped and prayed for all of us.
Times are tough right now, especially for our daughter in law with 4 children, 3 of them 3 and under. We have taken the kids as much as possible but it is exhausting and hard. As a couple we have no time for ourselves at a time when we should be having that time. We have raised our own three children and now are presented with the task of caring for our grandchildren. Many will say to us – just say no. That is not an option to us. These children did nothing to deserve this. Many will say – they are not your children. But they are! They are our grandchildren and no matter what we will be there for them and do everything we can for them. It’s just who we are. It’s easy to set boundaries with the addict but not with their children. Watching them suffer is not something we can do. So we move forward, one day at a time. Hoping that this heart wrenching nightmare will end soon.
I have sent this Bible to my son in Prison. He tells me it is inspiring and helpful. The chaplain in the prison has also given him the workbook that goes along with it.