My Self Care

Important things I do besides worry and obsess about my son is to do a few things for myself. I guess it’s easier since he doesn’t live in our house. I do get time alone, time as a couple with my husband and the ability to go out with friends.

One fun thing I do is with a direct sales company called Lilla Rose. The products are awesome, easy to use, and a great way to have some pretty amazing hairstyles. (Don’t tell anyone they’re easy). I’d love to share these great hair accessories with all of you. I thought that I’d change up the posts about my families life and share something fun, well for my lady followers anyway.

It’s great because I can go to craft and vendor shows to see so many unique products. I get to spend the day talking with other, mostly ladies, for a morning or afternoon. I get to forget about my problems for the day and it can be rejuvenating. Getting out with others is great self care. You can get away from being the mother of an addict for a few hours. People won’t ask how you’re doing or how your child is doing because they don’t know that side of you. It’s a great break from the reality of my daily life.

So although I know this post is not about addiction, I hope it provides you too with a chance for some self care, the opportunity to think about something else for a few minutes and maybe make you smile. So here are some hair accessories and styles. Maybe you’ll try a few?