Will he “Get it?”

My life has been a little hectic the past month, but we’ve made it through as well as made some great advances in communication with my son’s fiance. You see since he is sitting in County Prison for 60 days he is no longer able to control that situation. She has been relying on us for a lot of things, she has been calling on her own, she has been visiting but most importantly she has been communicating with us. He is not here to try and filter what goes back and forth. He has always tried to distort things to benefit himself, as any addict does. He has always built a wall between us and whomever he was serious about. You see if we talked we just might discover that she really isn’t cold and uncaring and she could discover the same about us.

Now that she is home and taking care of 3 little ones along with being pregnant, she is reaching out to us and we to her. We’ve helped with kids, clothes, food and a few bills. We’ve always done whatever we could for all of our kids but she had never seen it. Now she is aware.
The most important change has been communication. I don’t think honest communication is going to be popular with him when he gets out in 3 weeks.
It’s been such a wonderful change to help someone who genuinely appreciates the help. We don’t feel used as we do by our son. We only hear from him when he wants something. Our Granddaughter has told her Mom how much she loves us. She runs to me when she comes into the house and the baby get a huge smile on his face. It’s those moments that make it worthwhile.

I am so happy that he is spending 60 days in Jail. I plan on contacting his PO and thanking him for what might have very well saved his life. Fentanyl is not something to mess with. There are so many overdoses cause by this drug and the fact that he was using this to override his Methadone is super scary. He has now detoxed from the Methadone and the Fentanyl. He has a clear head and would like to try Vivatrol when he comes out. Vivatrol would stop the need for daily visits to the clinic for dosing which will allow him to start working earlier and be done at a time where he can attend meetings.
I know how much he’s missed his children and fiance. He’s missed his son saying Dada. Hopefully it’s not something he wants to repeat. He’s learned that he cannot get out of his mistakes as he has in the past. Believe me he tried. He has been working in the kitchen at the prison, he used to be a sous chef. So that is keeping him busy. But besides restricting his movements it is seriously a sort of “vacation” for him. He isn’t “working”, isn’t taking care of 3 kids, isn’t taking his stepson to baseball, isn’t worrying about the daily life that his fiance is dealing with. I truly hope he “gets it!”