I Hope This is Change That Stays
My son has had another first! A good first. He brought 2 of his children with him to just visit, not to say I’ll be back in an hour but to actually stay and visit. There has been a little mother nagging going on about this. You see I hear all the time how I watch his sisters children but I give him a hard time when he asks me to watch his. It isn’t fair and its like I don’t like his children……blah blah blah. He just goes on and on about it. Maybe not blah blah blah, that’s in Hotel Transylvania but it is the same thing over and over. He acts as though we should be sitting at home waiting for his call to watch them. I’ve hung up on him more then once when he was belligerent because we weren’t home to watch his children.
So I’ve told him that his sisters ask me ahead of time and don’t get all pissed off if I say I have plans AND the biggest thing is they come and see us, they stay, they talk, we go out together, they just visit and talk, they invite us to dinner, call us on the phone; they do all of that without asking us to watch their children. On the other hand our son stops with the kids and says I have “X” to do can you watch them for an hour and returns 5 hours later. And that is ok, he doesn’t know why we get upset. He’s giving us time to spend with them. Ok really? I have to admit I probably get a little sarcastic when I respond but I feel as though he takes advantage of us and only calls or stops when he wants us to watch the kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love them but I just wish that he could understand the way he just expects us to watch them as though we don’t have our own plans isn’t fair to us.
When he arrived on Sunday I was expecting the same scenario to play out again. He said I just have to run some bags to my fiance at the laundromat and I’ll be right back. But he came right back!!! He sat, played with the kids, talked to us, it was amazing. I did tell him this was what I’ve been talking about and I did it without any sarcastic undertones. Maybe, just maybe this will happen again. It was so enjoyable and nice to spend time with him with his children.
I really hope that this is the start of something. I also know not to get my hopes up.
We could spend time with our grandkids doing some fun things
It’s fun to be able to play games and reminisce about when your own kids were little and playing these games. Now you can do it all together! I’ve even played with my grandson in Louisiana via Facetime.