Ready, Set, and GO

How often do you go out of your comfort zone? Do you ever wish that you could or would try something new? I know I do and recently I’ve gotten better at challenging myself, after all we only get one shot at this life and I really hope I don’t give up my dreams for someone else.

I feel so blessed to have just returned from a trip with my daughter. We traveled to England and Ireland. She is currently studying for her Phd and must do short, 4 day intensive residencies as part of her studies. This is the second time that I have traveled with her in the past 2 years. It was been amazing to see and experience new things. Travel seems to bring new ideas, new thoughts and new perspectives about the world. We learn that we are part of a much larger place than just our own neighborhood, state or even country. There is so much to see that it can become overwhelming. I feel like we have learned so much not only about the places we’ve seen but about ourselves. We’ve found things that we try even though it’s outside of our comfort zone.

We travel well together, we like to be on the go, we can keep up with each other and we know when to take a break. Of course the break thing isn’t very often. How can it be when you are somewhere that you’ve never been before? We saw so many historic things, places that were thousands of years old! We just don’t have that kind of history in the United States.

Being away also brings excitement and joy. For the time that I am away I am able to find complete peace, complete astonishment at what I am seeing and learning. It is magical, it is educational and it creates memories. Memories that we will have forever. These aren’t “things”, they are the “Thing” that make life worth living. So taking this time away from the stress of being the mother of an addict has made me realize that I need this and I do deserve it. We all do!

It’s not always easy to plan and go on a big trip but it is easy to go to places you’ve never been. Those places can be in your own city. Try looking on Groupon or Living Social and see what different activities they have. By seeing new things you can broaden your horizons and give yourself a new perspective on the world around you. As we traveled we tried new foods, new drinks, heard political views, learned a little history and some sociology too. Traveling can take you out of your comfort zone, away from the people and places you know and into a whole new world.

While my daughter was in classes I had a few adventures on my own. At home I have never used public transportation but in London it was so easy and even when I took the wrong train it was easy to get back on track to the right one. Just like in life we all make wrong turns but if we get right back on track where we are supposed to be then we will end up exactly where we want to be. This was a huge step for me and I am proud that I decided to go on my own. I know I can do it now and it gives me confidence and pride. Although it did take me several hours to get back to the hotel, lol. Boy was that a huge step out of my comfort zone! If you stay stagnate you’ll never grow. Growing throughout your life is important otherwise as the saying goes – you’ll just be a bump on a log.

I was away from my worries, my concerns, my problems and it felt amazing. I was able to absorb all the surrounded me and truly appreciate the beauty. We all need to take that time to get away to somewhere that brings us joy, somewhere that allows us to see things, really see things again. We all get so wrapped up worrying about our loved one and their addiction that we forget we also need to live. While of course I worried about my son, I was able to have a break away from the constant stresses of my daily life.

So lets all try to “get away”, see something new, and find peace and joy. It is possible so……Ready……Set……GO!