
Growth is defined as

  • the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.

So you see growth is a gradual increase, not a one day or one week or even one month time. There is no time limit, as long as you are changing, evolving, then you are growing. You don’t need to worry about how small your changes are only that you are making them.

We tend to judge our lives by the huge accomplishments we make, the momentous choices we make and the awards we win, but there are so many small and yet very important things that we don’t acknowledge. These small and seemingly unimportant things are what mold us into the people that we are. We should all be excited about that one small thing we were able to do today that we couldn’t do yesterday, or the small things we do to stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zones.

I for one never imagined writing a blog. Having people read my private thoughts and sharing the pain, anger and suffering I’ve been though as a mother of an addict. I pushed myself forward and have learned alot about myself just by writing. I sometimes write and then it hits me, and I begin to think of things in different ways. I begin to see things from a new perspective just by letting my thoughts flow onto papers. It’s actually kind of magical at times. I know it was always there but I never consciously thought about it in that way. So my mind grows and changes just by listening to my own voice inside.

Growth occurs without us even realizing it has happened. There are so many little things each day that cause us to adapt, to change and to grow. When things don’t go as planned you adapt to the changes. When you realize that you made a mistake you make a change and grow from that mistake. It’s when we don’t adjust or don’t make changes that we stop growing. Sometimes even regressing. If you realize this is happening always remember that today is a new day and a new page in your life story. This is a story that you control, no one else can write it but you. You want your story to be one that you are proud of. A story filled with every emotion, success and failure; this is what life is all about. So let it happen, let the voice inside you direct your path and make the choices that allow you to grow.

New growth begins with you. You can change the world if you choose. You can make changes. It requires time, sometimes lots of time but you will see growth, you will see change and you’ll be proud of the work you’ve put into your growth. Just don’t give up, if you feel like you made a step backwards you can quickly regain your footing. Knowing and acknowledging your feelings, your moods and your actions will help you continue to grow.

Sometimes it’s very hard to know or to express your feelings and that’s ok. It will get easier with time. Starting a journal is a great way to see, in black and white, what you did and what you felt. Then by looking back you can make little notes about what you could have done differently, what you are pleased with and where you see changes and growth. By seeing it on paper it could give you a better understanding of where you’re headed and where you want to adjust. Be proud of yourself, stand tall and continue to grow each and every day! You may not be able to do it all…….YET