Repost – 7 Ways to release Anger

Seven Ways to Release Anger Out of Your Body

No emotion is negative unless we refuse to feel it.


Anger is a feeling of powerlessness. However, within your anger is a tremendous sense of power, purpose, passion and meaning because when you feel angry, it’s because you wanted to do something and you were blocked from doing it.

People usually think of emotions as good or bad and they think that anger is a bad emotion, that you shouldn’t have it. That if somehow you feel angry, then you are not a nice person, or you’re not a spiritual person. From my vantage point, it is a rather good emotion because if you analyze the frequency of anger, it is an emotion that churns. It is trying to get you off your duff to do something about the situation.

The truth is that no emotion is negative unless we refuse to feel it. That’s when it becomes destructive. We are only required to feel our emotions and release them. Even the most beautiful emotion of love will become destructive if its blocked and not actually felt.

So, anger is what it is, and if you judge yourself for feeling angry, then you are going to think that anger is bad. We like to feel the so-called positive emotions and take credit for the realities that they create. But what happens when you refuse to feel and release the so-called negative emotions like anger because you are afraid it’s going to be painful? Well it’s your emotion and you created it, so where is it going to go? If you don’t feel it and release it, you will either stuff it in your physical body, or into your extended body called your reality.

So when you swallow your anger, or stuff it down because you want to be a nice person and you don’t want to show it, over time your body might respond with symptoms of pain and inflammation as it is trying to say to you that it is not able to put up with the anger that has gotten stashed in it.

If this happens, here are seven ways to deal with it.

1. Release all judgments and criticisms about yourself.  The purpose of judgments is to make you not feel which is what got you in the situation in the first place.

2. Forgive your body for having to make your life miserable in order to bring this to your attention.

3. Honor and own that this is your creation in order for you to pay attention to, and see how you have given your power away to other people and circumstances to offer you the opportunity to step into your power now.

4. Give your body tremendous love as part of the healing process without any judgments or resentments at it for limiting you.

5. Give your body basic kinesthetic pleasure as part of loving it. Perhaps a gentle massage, energy healing or a mineral bath.

6. Address your anger. This is probably the most important step in releasing that feeling of powerlessness out of your psyche so that you are able to step into your power. In my work, I carry people through visualization techniques in order to accomplish this.

7. Promise your body that you are going to love it and care for it and you are going to work in partnership with it. This will build trust between you and your body. Then imagine yourself healed in the not too distant future.

If you will take these seven steps, you will release anger out of your body, and you will heal yourself.

Suzanne Hosang lives in Florida with her husband, daughter and a host of animals. Her life was forever changed when she met Lazaris, a non-physical being who reminded her that she is a mapmaker, dreamer and dream-weaver, vision-maker and reality creator. In addition to her healing practice, she has written An Awakening, Mapping Your Dream, Volume 1. For more information, visit