Life Begins Again

Wow! And life begins again. Today my son and fiance had a little baby boy. He was only 4lbs 14 1/2 oz. Just a little peanut. This family has been the inspiration my son has needed to stay clean. Right now this is enough. He has a 2 year old, a newborn and a 8 year old step son. He wants to be the father that they are proud of.

When he found out last June that he had a daughter who was 1, his life changed. I honestly think it saved his life. My Father, His Grandfather, had passed away after a very quick illness. This event caused a relapse. His Grandfather had been his role model, someone who he could turn to, someone who didn’t put up with his BS, and in turn my Son had been his first grandchild, a child that he took places and never missed and games or band concerts. They were connected in a very powerful way. If that little girl hadn’t come into his life at that point I truly believe he also would have died. He would have overdosed and I would have lost my Father and my son in a very short amount of time.

There were several times when I felt he had hit rock bottom, he was homeless, he was arrested (more than once), he was arrested once from our home, he was arrested from multiple felonies, he owed loan sharks and others – but maybe it wasn’t rock bottom but something to give his life purpose that he needed.

Family importance has always been a top priority to us and just maybe he felt he let us down, that he didn’t live up to his or our expectations. I’m just brainstorming here and don’t know this for sure. But if that is the case then this would be his way of showing us how the importance of family does matter. He is a father and as a father comes responsibility. He is working to take care of these kids and he is in absolute awe of this perfect little boy.

It is a very joyous time, a great time for our family, although I do know how quickly things can change. But for now, for this day, I am happy and proud. Something every parent wants to be. When you are a parents of an addict, recovering or not, those moments of pride don’t come frequently. So today I celebrate and continue on one day at a time.

I know life will not be a shiny and new after they leave the hospital, real life will come back, but I hope the love and joy that this baby has brought will continue to bless them as he has today.

They have so many exciting plans, moving out of transitional housing and into a section 8 house in 2 weeks, starting school, being in a safer neighborhood; it will all bring new excitement and new stresses. I hope the excitement outweighs the stress. Time will continue to go by. One Day At A Time.

The baby is also faced with going through withdraw from methadone. The first few days were wonderful, but now he is in NICU. It’s not a very good way to start off. My heart is breaking for this tiny little person that had no say having to go through the pain and struggle of withdraw.

In May we had a baby shower and now 3 months later everything is still sitting at my house. No baby clothes were washed even though I had asked them both numerous times to go through and organize everything. So I panicked, there were no clothes washed for the baby. I pulled out all the 0-3 month clothes and washed them. I made sure to get a bottle of dreft so they would be ready for the baby. It turns out that my good deed was not at all appreciated. My son called and was very upset, rude, yelling about how dare I do this. Seriously? How Dare I? It’s been 3 freakin months and they have done nothing. I am so frustrated.

My son then proceeds to tell me they were going to go through them and return some. COMMUNICATION? If he had told me I wouldn’t have washed them. I am not a mind reader but I am a grandmother that just wanted to be sure my grandson had clean clothes to wear. Maybe I was wrong to try and help. But according to my son I was definitely wrong and completely out of line. Ok then, like I said things can change in a moment.