Simple Moments

We had a great night with both of our granddaughters. We took them to a local carnival. One is our son’s and the other is our daughter’s, both are expecting new little ones in September and October. These two are 3 + 2 years old. I get to spend alot of time with the 3 year old but no so much with the 2 year old. They had an amazing time. I’ve never seen the little one laugh and smile as much as she did with us that night.

Everything about the carnival amazed them. Their bright eyes shone with pure joy at all the bright lights and activity going on around them. Then when we got home I had two little angels snuggled on my lap while we watched Moana.

Seeing them like this, no expectations, living in the moment, drinking in the world around them, reminds you how much we as adults miss. We are worrying about tomorrow, about the bills that are due, about our children, about things that may never happen, instead of taking in each moment for what it is. It’s a hard thing as adults to do but just think how much happier we would be if we could do this, even half the time.

Spending time with them, all of them, makes my life perfect – if only for that moment in time, there is peace in my soul.

My daughters are both wonderful about us spending time with our grandchildren. We even took our 3 year old granddaughter on a plane to our other daughter’s house for our grandsons birthday. We try to spend as much time as we can with them. But my Son’s daughter is a different story. We don’t see her as much and sometime that’s his way of “punishing” us for not giving in to his “requests”. I feel sad that he feels the need to use her in this way. That is of course unless he needs us to watch her at the last minute and we have plans, then it’s all about how we spend more time with the others and why wouldn’t you cancel your plans to spend time with her. It’s hard on us and also hard on her. That’s why having this night was so special with her. We got to make memories with her too.


So take the moment and try to live in the moment, be happy when you can and cry when you must, but always look for the amazement of the world around you!