Another resource for Addiction Recovery – Drug Court

Another Resource for Addiction Recovery

My daughter is the administrator for Drug Court in Louisiana. There are Drug Courts available in many if not most states. I have asked her to write information for my blog, giving my readers another resource to help their loved ones. I’m including linking to the National Drug Court Program as well as links to various State Drug Courts. I hope by reading her information it is able to help someone.

St. Bernard Parish

Adult/ Juvenile Drug Court, Inc.

Drug Courts Work!

In 2017 in the state of Louisiana…

2,786 participants were screened for drug court

1,784 were admitted

302,445 treatment hours were provided to those admitted

175,615 multi-panel drug screens were administered to those admitted

24,641 community service hours were completed by those admitted

876 graduated

11.4% recidivism rate

88.6% of 2014 graduates remained free of new convictions 3 years after graduation

57 drug free babies were born

710 recorded drug free babies were born since the inception of drug courts in Louisiana

It costs the state $250,000 per drug addicted baby-total savings of $177,500,000!!

The St. Bernard Parish Adult Drug Court started in 2004. There are many requirements for the program. It is a 12-month minimum program, most participants take 15-18 months. They must meet the criteria per RS: 13:5304; no prior felony convictions of homicide, the crime before the court cannot be a crime of violence, domestic abuse battery, or DUI resulting in the death of a person, and there cannot be any pending crimes of violence. They must plead guilty to the charge before the court. Within the 12 months the clients are required to complete four phases, each phase having various requirements. Many states have a drug court program available to felony offenders, but the requirements vary by state.

Phase 1

-drug screen 3 times a week with a 30% chance of a surprise test ($10 a drug screen)

-court every Monday

-treatment groups Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6-9pm

Phase 2

-drug screen 2 times a week with a 30% chance of a surprise test ($10 a drug screen)

-court every other Monday

-treatment groups Monday and Thursday from 6-9pm

Phase 3

-drug screen 1 time a week with a 30% chance of a surprise test ($10 a drug screen)

-court every third Monday

-treatment groups Mondays from 6-9pm

Phase 4

-drug screen 5 times a month ($10 a drug screen)

-court every fourth Monday

-treatment groups Mondays from 6-9pm

Upon successful completion of the program the participant will graduate, with a ceremony, receive a certificate, and is eligible to have their charges expunged. If a participant does not successfully complete, they will be revoked and put in prison to serve their suspended sentence. This program is not going to work for everyone. Each individual participant must want the help and be willing to change. Although I have seen many successes I have also seen, overdoses and deaths. Addiction is a disease that does not discriminate and effects families and friends. If you have someone who is addicted please do not be too proud to reach out for help, you may just save a life.


Nicolle Tourdot, Drug Court Administrator

1009 West Moreau St.      Chalmette, LA 70043      Phone: 504 278 4455     Fax: 504 278 4457 


These are a few of the links to various states as well as the National Association. I hope that they can prove helpful to someone.