Court Date Tomorrow

Tomorrow our son has court. He is supposed to have $700 towards his restitution. Whether or not he has this I don’t know. He can’t tell us a consistent story. You know it’s said if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember your story. It would be nice if he told the truth. We have no idea what the truth is and he is a master manipulator. He can twist his words around to confuse you and make you feel as though you are crazy. His stories only end up benefiting him.
You see he has known for 2 months that this day is coming but today it became our responsibility to help him with the money. I really don’t believe he has any concept of money. He is forever calling for money and in these past 2 months has told us that there are warrants issued and he needed $300 by this date or that date just trying to get money.
In the past 2 months he has stolen several thousand dollars of tools from his father and pawned them to pay supposedly for food and diapers. He has been working for a company that is trying to get themselves out of bankruptcy and until they finish certain jobs they cannot pay the workers. But they understand his position and have given him money before anyone else. They have also given him a company van to use. He has totally abused the privilege, even expecting them to pay for his gas for personal use. He believes that everyone owes him and he doesn’t have empathy for anyone elses struggles.
Today he was asked to return the van as they needed it to clean out a vacation home that had been foreclosed on. He said no, not unless he gets every penny he is owed. If he doesn’t then he’ll just take the van and scrap it. This is not the way a logical, rational person thinks or behaves. He told me he doesn’t care that they lost a vacation home, it must be nice to have a vacation home when he has nothing. No amount of reasoning could change his arrogant attitude.
If he wasn’t going to the clinic each day to get a dose of methadone I would swear that he was using again. He is also randomly drug tested there and also by his probation officer. These are the actions of an addict.
If it wasn’t for the children involved I would distance myself from him, but he knows this too. He uses the children as leverage. But I do NOT ever give him cash for anything. If he needs money for groceries, I buy groceries. If he needs money for Diapers, I buy the diapers. And now that his girlfriend is having another baby it’ll only get worse. How do you let your grandchildren suffer for the sins of their father? This is something I still don’t have an answer for. I don’t know what I am suppose to do. I don’t want them growing up thinking that their grandparents didn’t care about them.
If you have any insights, please leave them in the comments. How have you dealt with this situation? How would you deal with it?

I Wish for One Day