Loving an Addict
Loving an addict is hard. You want to help them, but not too much to be considered enabling. Where do you draw the line? Is the line the same for everyone? What if I make a mistake? Can I cause him to have a relapse? Should I let him live on the streets? Am I being a horrible parent? There are so many questions that run through your mind. And you’re afraid to ask for help because what will other people think of you.
I have come to my own conclusions and it has taken me a very long time but I cannot control his choices. I cannot cause a relapse. I am not a horrible parent. The lines is NOT the same for everyone. Everyone makes mistakes. Trust your instincts and don’t allow yourself to feel guilty. Believe me the addict will try their hardest to make you feel guilty and they are relentless. They will use ANYTHING to get what they want. They do NOT care about you or your feelings or your possessions or your property or your reputation or anything else. They only care about finding a way, any way, to get their drugs.
It sounds so harsh. How could I think about my child in the way? Surely he does care about me. My heart wants to believe that there is no way he’d manipulate me like this but my head tells me to stand firm. When dealing with an addict you must stand firm. You will waiver, we all do, but in the end you must stand strong even though your heart is breaking into a million pieces.
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